Unable to add images in a rich text field (new Page Builder)

Hello everyone,

Recently, I’ve been facing an issue with a Rich Text Field where I can no longer add images. The option to insert images is missing from the context menu. I’m using the new Page Builder, and everything was working fine until last week. Existing images in previously edited fields are still there, but I’m unable to add new ones. I’ve tested this across Chrome, Edge, and Firefox on macOS.

I attempted to remove and re-add images in the JSON of the Rich Text Field, but unfortunately, that didn’t resolve the issue.

Any suggestions on what else I can try? :thinking:

   "text_and_image": {
        "type": "StructuredText",
        "config": {
          "label": "Text und Bild",
          "placeholder": "",
          "allowTargetBlank": true,
          "multi": "paragraph,heading2,heading3,heading4,heading5,heading6,strong,em,hyperlink,list-item,o-list-item,image"

When you're typing in your RTE, hit the forward slash key and type img


That should bring up your media library.

Thank you, that works. Wasn’t there once an image icon in the context menu, or am I mistaken? :thinking:

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What kind of UX is this for a client? There's no button for them to press?!? All the rich text stuff is hidden by default?!??!?

It would appear that the answer to your question is yes. I can tell that's a disappointment for you. I suppose it's a design cue they took from other web apps. For instance, Notion and Discord have a similar forward slash opens the options UX.

I think it's pretty hard to make everyone happy when you make a decision. I can appreciate that you feel the UX will be difficult for your clients.

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