We've launched Booklets.app 🚀 1000+ bite-sized tutorials authored by well-loved experts!

Hi Guys! :wave:

We are excited to share some big news: We’ve launched https://booklets.app! :tada:

For the past few months, during the lockdown, we’ve worked incredibly hard to build better ways for busy people to learn more — anytime and anywhere!

• Who wouldn’t love books📚, right? But let’s be honest: books need energy and time commitment
• Investing 5 minutes a day just to check social media is much easier than opening a book. Then, what’s next?:woman_shrugging:
• With Booklets.app, you can learn new things and get smarter​:brain: in just less than 5 minutes of your day!:zap:
• Explore thousands of bite-sized learning to stay you away🙅‍♂️from dry and boring stuff like “summaries” or long blogs.
• :100:Handpicked tutorials from a wide range of categories to bring impact on the community.
• We hope by Booklets.app, we can make the world a little more curious and excited by learning new​:sparkles: skills. We would be glad to see people use it to become the best, smartest versions of themselves.:star2:

That’s the gist of it! If you want, visit https://booklets.app (no download required!) and start learning :rocket:. You can also get notified whenever we release new tutorials, tools, and freebies (almost every day!) by following our social media accounts:
FB: Booklets.app
IG: @bookletsapp
Twitter: @booklets_app

Bootstrap :smile_cat: and the Fullstack HQ team :crossed_swords:

P.S. Want to know the backstory of how we decided to work on this? Check out here :point_right: https://booklets.app/about

#MadeWithPrismic :blue_heart:


Looking really great @peng! Thanks for sharing and congrats to you and your team :relaxed:

How was your experience with Prismic x Gatsby while building it?

Thank you @lihbr :slight_smile:

At first, we tried Strapi, but had difficulty applying the updates to the self-hosted codebase at platform.sh

Then tried GraphCMS that has a clean user-friendly dashboard but there's no auto-generated slug / permalink to the post title which we need. So we tried another headlessCMS again -- Contentful :smile: But we need to import a lot of content... CLI is the only way to import content on Contentful (not sure if there's a UI now). Then I saw this Prismic import https://user-guides.prismic.io/en/articles/846079-introduction-to-import-export which can be used by non-developers to import bulk content. In addition to import, the pricing of Prismic is really economical & generous - $0 for 100 GB of Built-in CDN with unlimited docs.

For Gatsby, its incremental build feature really helps to build large content faster.

Currently, we're trying to fix this slow page loading issue for first-time visitors due to large page-data.json. Solving it by using Prismic GraphQL & Apollo to fetch data dynamically.

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