I've sent a lengthy email to my customer service rep. I've also created a Github issue on the relevant repo. Maybe this is the best place to share the answer, so here I am on the forum as well.
I'm a bit frustrated so I'd like to apologize in advance if my tone is aggressive. That is not my intention. I do respect the great work that has been done, and continues, on these plugins.
The contradiction is astounding. A blog post is literally saying one thing while the documentation says exactly the opposite.
While I know the intention of the blog post is to provide clarity, I am still confused. Right after the paragraph stating we should be using gatsby-source-prismic, it says the following:
"We’ve already made a fork to the Gatsby-source plugin, so it should be ready to use and more usable than the previous version, but we will continue to improve and maintain it over the coming months."
I don't know which one you are referring to. The prismicio github organization has a fork of both plugins, but only gatsby-source-prismic-graphql appears to be actively maintained. However, PR's and issues have now gone without responses for more than two weeks. Perhaps Marc McIntosh is on vacation? (which is totally fine by the way - I'm a big fan of vacations myself - but it would be great if someone else could provide some update in his absence).
So please...which is it? gatsby-source-prismic-graphql or gatsby-source-prismic?
This is actually something we were discussing yesterday because we felt it was unclear and you've hit a lot of the points we've discussed in your message. Thank you for getting in contact this will allow use to share this with everyone. So to be clear...
Our documentation & gatsby-source-prismic-graphql
We are going to remove the current documentation for Gatsby, which is currently created around the gatsby-source-prismic-graphql plugin, because like you said this is confusing and this isn't what we recommend. In place of the documentation for the moment we will have an article explaining our position and our recommendations.
The fork that we have created of this plugin is to help anyone currently using it on live websites so that we have control of publishing updates, but you were correct in guessing @marc.mcintosh has been on vacation . Although this doesn't solve the deeper issues, as we discussed in the blog post.
This plugin is once again community-created, but it doesn’t rely on GraphQL, is future-proofed for Gatsby Cloud, and we are very heavily involved in maintaining it.
The fork of this that we have on our Github was just for creating a PR, everyone should use the kit on Angelo's github.
What is our plan for the future?
We have explained this in more detail in the blog post, but in the immediate future our team will perform a proof on concept with another approach Gatsby recommended this September.
Depending on the outcome of that we will know if we will either create our own in-house Gatsby plugin or invest further in to Angelo's plugin. Once this is clearer for us we will being planning our new Gatsby documentation based around this.
Hopefully this makes things clearer. We share your frustration in what's happening, but like we said before this has been as huge learning process for us and fingers crossed things will be a lot smoother in the future if we are ever in the same position.
This makes things much clearer. I only have one follow up question: can you elaborate on any specific limitations with Angelo's plugin? I understand it doesn't have quite as many features, and that there is more manual setup to get previews working. However, are there any preview features that are known at this time to not work with that plugin?
While the situation is disappointing, I understand that these things happen and thank you very much for clarifying. I will drop your reply into the relevant Github issues so people there will find clarity as well.
In regards to Angelo’s plugin and previews. I know at the minute previewing unpublished documents and previewing multiple documents in a release are not working. But the team are working on this and if there are any advancements on that we’ll update you here.
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