A shortcut for creating a new document of the same type as the current one

Hi, I usually have to create a lot of documents of the same type, but there is no shortcut from publish one to create another one of that same type.

Use case:

  1. You create a taxonomy document
  2. Save and Publish
  3. You want to create another taxonomy
  4. So you go back to the dashboard
  5. Click in Create button and choose the content type

To avoid this unnecesary workflow dozens of times, I suggest to add an option in the same context menu as "Duplicate document" is in:
Captura de pantalla 2024-08-05 a las 11.06.34

Hi @cerrutti , thanks for the suggestion. I'm curious to understand more about the use case here. Why don't you think duplicating the current document solves this problem?


Hey @guy.proops!

Because of 2 reasons:

  1. If my client just one to create another document of that type, he/she is going to search for the word "create", not "duplicate"
  2. Because it literally duplicates the content, and I just want a new blank document of the same type

This way I avoid to go back to the dashboard and click create document and choose document type again. If I have to create 20 documents of the same type one after another, I will save a lot of time.


Thanks @cerrutti . That makes sense. I will take it back to the team and see what we can do here.

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