Archive dashboard not showing immediately archived documents

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Jam link: Jam

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Impacted feature

Archive dashboard - /builder/archived

What steps have you taken to resolve this issue already?

I've tested workarounds as seen in the Jam


Can I check the expected behaviour of the archive document feature? Previously, as soon as you archive a document it will appear in the 'Archived' list. We're planning on archiving many of old our landing pages. However, when I archive a document directly from the document page, it does not appear on the Archived list and then is also not returning anything when trying to search for it. This means it becomes impossible to find. We would like to have access to the docs on the Archive list if we'd ever need to refer to it again (i.e find old content or remember the old UID).

Currently the only way I can get it to appear in the Archive list is if I:

  • archive the doc
  • republish it OR make an edit on the archived page so it becomes yellow/edit mode
  • and then archive the edited doc/republished doc

This is not sustainable for removing over 100 landing pages, on numerous locales.

I have tested archiving edits on live pages and it's archiving correctly so not sure if it's something to do with archiving straight on the doc without making an edit?

Has something changed with this feature? Is this a bug? Or is this expected functionality?

Your Role

Content Operations Coordinator, regular Prismic Editor user

Steps to reproduce

Using the example in the video:

  • go to a locale with the Old Halloween landing page
  • click into the three dots at the top right, and select archive document
  • I expected it to show up immediately in the Archived list, but it doesn't
  • go to search for the document (we had two old halloween pages) - the one I archived does not show up on the search on the main dashboard or on Archived list
  • in order to find it, I have to go into another locale and search for it, and then use the country toggle
  • if I then make an edit on the page OR republish
  • I then click archive document again
  • and it finally shows on the Archive List

Hopefully the video and use case makes sense. We were wanting to clean up our documents list and this issue is not ideal. We would like record of the documents we are archiving.


Hi @mayayeung,

Thank you for all this info, it made troubleshooting this really easy!

I've had a look at this. The archived document you're looking for is in the Archived tab, just not at the top. They are sorted by last updated date, to find it without the search you'd have to scroll all the way to Oct 5 2021, or update it before you archive it again, as you said, then it'll show up at the top. Thankfully there's an alternative :slight_smile: What you want to do instead here is use the filter option in the search bar:

Once you've selected Archived in Status, you'll be able to find all the Archived documents you need (including the one in your example).

Let me know if that helps!

Ahhh silly me!! Clearly I'm still getting used to the new interface and functions. Yes this makes a lot of sense and after using the dropdown I'm able to see what I couldn't find.

Very glad there was a way to find it - I mildly panicked.

Thanks Ezekiel

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Haha no worries at all, not silly, just new features to figure out! My pleasure, I'm glad I could help. And if the panic returns, mild or not, feel free to reach out again :grin:

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