Can you use Prismic Themes if the theme is a private repo?

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I just tried integrating a theme into my Private Repository prismic template. But when I decided to test it, I got the following error in my console:

kris-playground $ npx prismic-cli@latest theme \
  --theme-url \
  --conf sm.json
? Name your prismic repository:
project folder [pt-test-theme]: 
    Error: Could not resolve or

My prismic-theme.json looks like this

  "replaceRepositoryName": "prismic-templates-website"

And my sm.json file is:

  "_latest": "0.3.5",
  "apiEndpoint": "",
  "libraries": ["@/slices/essential_slices", "@/slices/unique_slices", "@/slices/content_slices"],
  "localSliceSimulatorURL": "http://localhost:3000/slice-simulator/"

A note that I got this setup from @angeloashmore's work on the open source template - GitHub - prismicio-community/nextjs-starter-prismic-multi-page: Next.js and Prismic multi-page starter

Hello @kris, The prismic-cli is a public command tool, so themes only work with public GitHub repositories.

@Pau Thanks for the update.

Does this mean that I'll never be able to utilise the theme functionality and the benefits that come with that (creating a repo / pushing custom types and slices) for a private Github repo?

If so, I assume this effectively means that Prismic is shutting down the possibility for easily creating premium themes for Prismic?

Is it not possible for the prismic-cli to have access to a private repo if I'm logged in with that Github account within the command line?

You could download the private repo as a zip file, and pass the path to the zip file to the theme command --theme-url=../path/to/my/