Cant add sub-bullet points in prismic by default

I can't add sub-bullet points from rich text field like below

  1. Main BUllet
    i. Sub-bullet
  2. second bullet

I can use nested <ul> and <li> inside an <li> to make it a sub-bullet, but the content is managed by the marketing team they don't know about HTML, so is there any way I can use this without relying on HTML

Hi @asreearm1729,

Thanks for reaching out,

Unfortunately, there is no perfect solution for this, but I think this thread would answer your questions with some workaround.

The good news is that we are currently redoing the editor, and for this, I have started a discussion to make sure that if that is going to be taken into consideration in the future.

Please let us know if you need any further assistance,

I have reached out to our new editor team, and they have confirmed that the feature will be included in the new development, but I can't promise anything in the near future.

Can I know how much time will it take for the feature to available for customers??

Hi @asreearm1729,

As referred to, there is no ETA for releasing the new editor.
Have you followed the thread I referred to? Does the workaround work for you?

I see that this string started in June '22 and it being Feb. '23, is there any ETA on when the sub bullet feature will be available? It really needs to be fixed to present bulleted lists with sub content correctly.

We have no updates for this feature @lcicchelli