Creating prismic repository... Invalid custom types format

Following the steps for trying to setup a Gatsby project with Prismic directly from this tutorial:

And on the very first step where you run the theme command, I'm getting an error: "creating prismic repository... Invalid custom types format". How is this even occurring when I'm copying the command directly? It's crazy.

Hey Ethan, I just tested the command and it works. Which version of the prismic-cli do you have in your machine? You can check by running prismic -v in the console.

I get the same issue. Installing on Windows.

Opening browser to
Prismic: Logging in... Logged in as
creating prismic repository... Invalid custom types format
Prismic: Press any key to open up the browser to login or q to exit:

When I run prismic -v I see:

prismic-cli/4.2.2 win32-x64 node-v16.14.0

This happens whether I run npx prismic-cli theme --theme-url --ignore-conf or whether I install prismic and then run prismic theme --theme-url --ignore-conf


(BTW, it also happens whether I use npm or yarn as the package manager.)

You need to make sure you're logged in. You can check by running prismic whoami

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Hey, I run npx prismic-cli theme --theme-url --ignore-conf
(I did follow tutorial Gatsby Tutorial. 1. Launch the project - Prismic).
I met same result
I run prismic -v then I get prismic-cli/4.2.2 win32-x64 node-v14.15.5
and I sure that I logged in prismic.
How can I do?.

Does it throw you a login page in the browser?
It should work with node 14.
I just ran a test on my end and it worked ok.

Yes, It throw

I'm not sure why this wouldn’t work on your end. Have you tried running the command again after logging in?

Hi Pau, I tried running the command again and I get same result.

I use

  • npm version 6.14.11

  • node version 14.15.5

  • windows 10 professional

  • run command via both CMD and powershell

Have you tried bumping to node 16?
You can try installing a newer version of node and trying again.

I'm having the exact same issue, not great when the first line of the beginner tutorial doesn't work :s

Tried node 14.19.1 npm 6.14.16 / node 16.14.2 npm 8.5.0 / node 17.8.0 npm 8.5.5

Running Windows 10 Enterprise 21H2, Powershell 7.2.2 as admin.

Successfully opens browser and logs in with my account, then gives me the error creating prismic repository... Invalid custom types format

I'm using my github account as a login for Prismic, not an email login.

I see. Thanks for the details. I'll inform the dev team and come back as soon as I have news.

Same problem here.

Thanks for joining the conversation @alejandroo14. Can you please send us the URL of your repository?

Same issue when running:

npx prismic-cli@latest theme --theme-url --conf prismic-configuration.js

node version 16.3.0
npm version 17.16.0
os windows 10

Opening browser to
Prismic: Logging in... Logged in as *****@**.com
creating prismic repository... Invalid custom types format
Prismic: Press any key to open up the browser to login or q to exit:

Thanks for sharing your case I sent this to the team.
It should work ok now.

I'm facing the same issue here Starters with Gatsby - Documentation - Prismic :frowning_face:

Hello everyone. We merged a change that should fix this installing issue.
Please let us now if you have this or any other problems with the starter.

Unfortunately, this still doesn't work for me

yarn install v1.22.10
creating prismic repository... Invalid custom types format