My site is built in metalsmith and relies on an old node module (metalsmith-prismic) that hasn't been maintained in a while. (we are working to migrate to react/nextjs)
I added a new boolean field into my Solution content type: It turns out that this field type is not supported by metalsmith-prismic and causes everything to break and prevents the site from building. I have deleted this field in the custom types editor but i'm still seeing it in the API response. How do I permanently delete this from the API?
I found this thread Update API after deleting custom types which talks about deleting custom types but not individual fields in custom types. So wondering if this will not show up in the API after a bit of time?
Hi @Fares Thanks. I figured this out shortly after posting. Might be helpful to others if you updated your support documentation page What happens if I remove or rename the API ID of a Prismic field? | Prismic Help Center to reflect this information. This caused quite a bit of stress for me yesterday. Overall your documentation needs to be improved. (This is top of mind for me as I inherited a project with NO documentation so I've been writing it for the past few months haha)