/___graphql not updating existing content types with new field additions

However, the fields do appear in Prismic's /graphql. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? Unfortunately, I hadn't added new fields or changed content since before the holidays, so I'm not as sure when this issue may have began. This is the first time I'm encountering this issue across many gatsby sites.

Even more oddly, during testing I found that:

  • New content types are recognized with all fields present
  • Changes to existing fields in new content type (since problem surfaced) are recognized
  • New fields added to the new content type recognized
  • Changes to existing fields in existing content types recognized

It is only new fields added to existing content types that are not recognized, and the problem is apparent in both single and repeating content types. Each attempt has included filled published content for the field in an existing or dummy content item, and has spanned several field types during testing including key text and link to media.

I've tried gatsby clean, I've deleted the .cache manually, and I've re-cloned down the repository and attempted with a fresh folder, to no avail.

This is my first project utilizing gatsby-source-prismic over gatsby-source-prismic-graphql, and issue does not seem to occur on other projects tested, leading me to believe it may be an issue with gatsby-source-prismic or my usage of same.

My relevant gatsby info:
Node: 13.10.1 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v13.10.1/bin/node
Yarn: 1.22.5 - /usr/local/bin/yarn
npm: 6.13.7 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v13.10.1/bin/npm
gatsby: ^2.5.0 => 2.30.1
gatsby-cli: ^2.12.117 => 2.17.0
gatsby-source-prismic: ^3.2.1 => 3.3.1
gatsby-transformer-sharp: ^2.2.4 => 2.5.17

If anyone has any insight into why this might be occurring I welcome it, it's definitely been a stumper for me, and am tempted to start fresh with new replacement content types if I continue to be unable to resolve it. Thanks in advance!

It sounds like may have updated your custom type in Prismic, but did not update or provide the JSON schemas to gatsby-source-prismic.

See this section: GitHub - angeloashmore/gatsby-source-prismic: Gatsby source plugin for building websites using prismic.io as a data source

Can you confirm you have provided the most up-to-date version of the schema?

Oh man, completely forgot about the schemas after wandering away from the site to maintain older projects using birkir's plugin. Thank you so much for the personal touch! Always the little blind spots, it was of course exactly it.

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