How to publish Prismic on my hosting?

Hello. I installed Prismic locally but i want to publish site on my hosting and domain. How can i do it?

Hello @rurik99999

Welcome to the Prismic, and thanks for reaching out to us.

We usually recommend that you deploy your website using services such as Vercel , Netlify , or Heroku . But any hosting solution will work.

What frramework are you using and where do you want to delpoy your website.

I am looking forward to hearing from you back.


Hey! Thank you.

I want to use Netlify. I dont know hot to connect Netlify with Prismic.

Hello @rurik99999

There is an article to deploy on Netlify:


Thanks, but how can I deploy a site from Prismic on Github?

Hello @rurik99999

Sorry for the late response.

Can you elaborate more on this?

I don't completely understand your question.
