Lost database when upgraded to slice-machine 1.0

i lost my database when i upgrade to latest version of slice-machine.
I tried to revert back to v 0.71 i got back my content-type but the data is gone.
Is there any way to restore it ?
i'm on next13-3

Hello @loudmu

Thanks for posting this to us.

What do you mean by database? Did you lose Content in the Prismic legacy builder after upgrading? Can you share some screenshots, if possible?


Hello Priyanka,
yes i mean all the content, in my repo, the media library is intact.
I was using slice-machine 0.71 with next13.3
After the upgrade slice-machine asked do you want to update all content-type and slices once I clicked yes all the content-types and slices was marked for deletion. I naively thought it was part of the processes.once i clicked yes again :fire: :bomb:boum everything was gone.
Is there any way to get the lost data???
my remark...
you should in slice-machine add a big warning when deletion of content-type occurs that all the data associated will be lost.
And also implement an safety procedure in case things go wrong.
Customer should be able to update the code base without losing their data
thank you and have i nice day

Hello @loudmu

I am following up with the dedicated team and discussing this with them. I have no update, but I will update you soon.

I apologies for the inconvenience.


thank you for your prompt answer,
Can you have access to my repos?

I believe I don't need access to your repo.

Is it 100% safe to upgrade to 1.0? I'm a bit worried after seeing this post and my company can't afford to lose all of its content

I think it's safer now .the implemented a new warning before pushing the slices to you repo preventing you from deleting content. I wish there is procedure to rollback an update in case things go wrong ..

Thanks for the info @loudmu

@Priyanka Could you confirm that all bugs related database loss have been fixed and upgrade is completely safe?

Hello @kris

Yes, all bugs have been fixed. You can upgrade to the latest version.


I tried to upgrade to 1.3 and it says that all of my slices have upgrades (see screenshot). Why is that? I'm actually worried/scared to press the "push changes" button in case it deletes my entire database which will be decremental to the business. What should I do?

I think that only screenshots are missing u can regenerate them
. nothing to worry about.for your data