Make Slices Collapsible

Feature Idea (one per thread):

Make Slices collapsible.

Issue that it solves:

When having multiple slices with multiple options it would massively improve the editor experience when being able to collapse slices. It's hard to find the one you are looking for, when you have like 10 or more slices.
Ideally one could define a field whose content should be displayed in the top bar of a collapsed / closed slice to it makes identifying slices easier (e.g how Sanity or Craft are handling this).


Hello Christian, thank you for the feedback. Indeed, there isn't such type of functionality built-in in Prismic at the moment, and I see how this could improve the user experience. I'll mark this post as a feature request for future improvements.


This is being tracked as an open feature request.

If you have another use-case for this feature, you can 'Flag' this topic to reopen. Please use the :heart: button to show your support for the feature and check out our Feature Request Guidelines.

Also discussed here:


I've upvoted this page!
Totally agree on this issue, pages tend to grow and grow.
Collapsable slices in prismic itself gives a better overview of the slices of that pages.

BTW: how great is your CMS? Love it!

Kind regards

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Thanks so much @collinvdv! I share your feedback with the product team.


Please please please guys...
We really need this!

Since slicemachine, I'm breaking more and more tabs into just body with slices, but it's hard for editors to keep track what they're changing... :exploding_head:

As a frontend dev, this seems so easy to implement... :smiling_face: :pray:


Hello Paulo,

I agree with you on how this feature can improve the user experience. We are already tracking it as a feature request, but this is not on the priority list for our dev team. You can check our Prismic progress page.
