New editor re-ordering is painfully slow

Describe your question/issue in detail

We make heavy use of repeatable zones within legacy slices. In the legacy editor these used to be drag and drop re-orderable but in the new editor it seems you have to repeatedly click the up/down arrows.

In some cases we have dozens of items and re-ordering them using the arrows is slow and tedious. This is compounded by the fact that items are always appended at the bottom, there is no option to insert an item at the top or in the middle of a list. We have a few lists that are essentially time-ordered so it's common for us to add new items to the start, currently this means adding the item to the bottom and then tapping the up arrow 10+ times.

Impacted feature

repeating zones in legacy slices (maybe elsewhere too?)

What steps have you taken to resolve this issue already?

Tried to continue using the legacy editor but access has been removed.

Hi Andy,

I just answered that here :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Thanks Phil,

Glad it's on your radar and look forward the situation being improved soon.

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