Personal Portfolio - Creative Developer & Digital Designer

Think it's finally time to share my new portfolio here, even if I want to expand on the content still.

  1. Website URL

  2. A screen shot of the site

  1. Technologies used
    CMS: Prismic
    Framework: Nuxt.js
    Motion: GSAP + Three.js
    Hosting: Vercel
    Tracking: Umami

  2. Industry
    Development / Design

  3. Utilizes Slice Machine?

  4. Time to build
    way too long (procrastination and perfectionism, you know the drill) :D

  5. An interesting feature or challenge you solved for
    a lot of different shader effects

Looking forward to any feedback


:heart_eyes: Nice!

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Looks amazing! :zap:

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Looks awesome! Tagging @alex.trost as he might be interested in collaborating on websites with you!

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Seriously impressive portfolio, Jan :heart_eyes:

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