I've been using Prismic for personal and client projects for years now and never looked back!
As a full-time staff software engineer and a father of two boys, I don't find a lot of time to work on my personal projects, so this has been a long time coming - I've finally released my rebuilt personal website - once again using Prismic as I have for years - but this time also using the new bells and whistles like Slice Simulator and the live previews (super cool!)
So here goes, hope you guys like it! Hit me up with any thoughts or feedback you might have
Website URL: https://charlesharwood.dev
Open-Source Code URL: GitHub - charles4221/charlesharwood.dev: Source code for my personal website: charlesharwood.dev
Technologies Used:
- CMS: Prismic
- Language: TypeScript
- Framework: Next.js v15
- Styling: Tailwind CSS (with custom dark/light/system theme switcher)
- Motion: A few subtle animations with GSAP (with code to disable for users with 'prefers-reduced-motion')
- Client-state management: Zustand
- Icons: Font Awesome Pro v6
- Hosting: Vercel (free tier)
- Tracking: Vercel SpeedInsights, Umami self-hosted analytics
Industry: App/Web Development
Utilises Slice Machine? Hell yeah!