Regan Baker Design

The new website of Regan Baker Design.
Static generated with PHP and custom front-end.
Design and concept:


Looking sharp Michael! Love the pure aesthetic/vibe of it which compliments nicely the design work of Regan Baker :relaxed:

Are you submitting it to any award website?

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Whoa, the scroll effects and transitions are excellent, and the design is gorgeous! Really loving this, Michael. Is that a bit of GSAP ScrollTrigger?

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Looks great! If you don't mind sharing, what tech stack are you using to generate the site statically with PHP?

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Hi, thanks for the comments :blush:
I'm using GSAP a lot, but actually not the ScrollTrigger (I like more control personally).
I'm using the Prismic PHP kit with a custom made generator script. It's easier than it sounds and super fast. Most of the sites I build are generated in less than 2 seconds (with a webhook from Prismic). And 90% of the build time is the API call (un-cached, because it's a new master ref), so can't do anything about that :slight_smile:

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Interesting! That shows just how quick PHP is.

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Yes exactly. PHP might not sound so modern or cool, but it works like a charm :slight_smile: