The new website of Regan Baker Design.
Static generated with PHP and custom front-end.
Design and concept:
Looking sharp Michael! Love the pure aesthetic/vibe of it which compliments nicely the design work of Regan Baker
Are you submitting it to any award website?
Whoa, the scroll effects and transitions are excellent, and the design is gorgeous! Really loving this, Michael. Is that a bit of GSAP ScrollTrigger?
Looks great! If you don't mind sharing, what tech stack are you using to generate the site statically with PHP?
Hi, thanks for the comments
I'm using GSAP a lot, but actually not the ScrollTrigger (I like more control personally).
I'm using the Prismic PHP kit with a custom made generator script. It's easier than it sounds and super fast. Most of the sites I build are generated in less than 2 seconds (with a webhook from Prismic). And 90% of the build time is the API call (un-cached, because it's a new master ref), so can't do anything about that
Interesting! That shows just how quick PHP is.
Yes exactly. PHP might not sound so modern or cool, but it works like a charm