Rich Text: Multi-Level Lists / Indentation

Feature Idea (one per thread):

Rich Text should be able to handle multi-level lists, which is a pretty a basic concept of lists.

Right now, Prismic's Rich Text doesn't allow a Content Manager to create a multi-level list... Lists are limited to a single tier and only allows bullets or numbers.

Issue that it solves:

Helps Prismic's Rich Text come closer to being an actual Rich Text Format. The current Rich Text implementation lacks A LOT of basic concepts you see in every other Rich Text Field on any other CMS...

Screenshot or video of the issue (if applicable):


Hey @tannerjuby1, thanks for the feedback. You can follow this open feature request:

This is over two years old and has made zero progress... Why are feature requests even a thing if the product team is just going to ignore them all?


We try to prioritize the most requested features and the ones that make the most impact. If you're curious and wanna know more about all our current work, check out our progress page: