Search isn't updating so I can't add content to a relationship field

Describe your question/issue in detail

After adding content, the search index isn't updating, so it's impossible to add newly created content to relationships fields.

Impacted feature

Editing/publishing content.

What steps have you taken to resolve this issue already?

Refreshing, logging out/in.


Your Role

Steps to reproduce

Hi @richard.underwood,

Welcome to the community :slight_smile:! Sorry to hear about this issue.

Could you clarify the error you see? Is it that the search is not finding what you just created and you get the "No pages found" error screen? If so, we've seen this happen recently and are working on fixing it. In order to get a maximum amount of information, can I ask you to let me know if you have seen the pages eventually appear, say after 10s-3 minutes, or if it was much longer than that? This is not the intended behavior for the search function, but it helps us to know if/when the pages eventually appear or not.

Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

I'm back from lunch now, and it's working - I was getting "no pages found" when searching in the main search bar on the builder page or when trying to add content. I'd left it a good hour and it hadn't found them, but it's up to date now.


Thank you, that's really helpful for us to know. If it happens again, it would be great if you could look at the time it is when you created the document that's not showing up, and when it shows up so we can check internally if there's anything happening at that time on our end.

I will do - I just created one and it appeared immediately, so all good at the moment thanks.

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