(Federico Huneeus)
February 24, 2022, 2:52pm
Hi guys,
I have a question when using images from the media library.
Currently I get an image for example with the following value for the src field.
src = "your-site/67eb8353-458f-4de6-86kped-f42127766108_s1_item1.svg?w=400&h=400"
I'm asking this question because for SEO it's recommended that images have file names that represent the content of the image, rather than for ex 4127... .svg?w=400&h=400
Or is this way of serving images better for SEO?
February 25, 2022, 3:32pm
Hello @fhuneeus , this setup is part of Prismic's image optimization. It isn't possible to modify the URL:
We've talked about this topic in the past. Please refer to this other thread if you're interested in learning more details:
Hey Andrea, welcome to the forum!
We do have clients that have set up their custom cdn on top of Prismic, but we don't recommend doing this because, if not regularly and properly implemented/maintained, it will affect the response time, loading time and induce maintenance cost of your end.
Also, by doing this, specifically with Images, you lose the possibility to access the Image optimization feature .
We always prefer to recommend that users focus on their core business and let Prismic take c…