Airtable embed link doesn't save in the embed link

Hey everyone,

According to this article How to create a Table - FAQs - Prismic People, I can embed Airtables using Prismic.

I added an embed field, but whenever I try to paste and save an embed link from Airtable (Airtable - All furniture) - it doesn't work.

I save and then whenever I reload the field is empty. I thought that it is a visual bug, but whenever I query that content, it is empty.

Could someone help out with this?


I figured it out - don't use the embed URL. Instead, paste the share URL, eg

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@Phil Could you mention the dev team here? It would be nice if the embed link was parsed correctly as well as the share link :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @kris & @marcellothearcane,

I just tested this on my side and had no issue.

Can you send me the URL of your repository so I can test further?



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Thanks, I was able to re-create the issue. I'm going to pass this to the dev team and I'll update you once I have more information.

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This is being tracked as an open issue, if anything changes we'll update you here.

You can 'Flag' this topic to reopen.

Just an update for anyone who has this issue, you just need to make sure you use the purple 'Share view' button for the correct link to work with embed field.