[Bug] when attaching images in page builder

There seems to be a gnarly bug when adding images to the page builder,

If you upload an image, it doesn't allow you to attach it to the editor, you have to then close the window to then be able to attach it: see screen capture


Mac, Chrome V 123

Error in console:

main.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toLowerCase')
    at I (main.js:2:4210315)
    at M (main.js:2:4210570)
    at Object.<anonymous> (main.js:2:4211851)
    at j (jquery-2.1.0.min.js:2:26676)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery-2.1.0.min.js:2:27489)
    at e.<computed> [as resolve] (jquery-2.1.0.min.js:2:28469)
    at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (main.js:2:4903617)
    at HTMLElement.dispatch (jquery-2.1.0.min.js:3:6057)
    at $event.dispatch (drag-tools-2.2x.js:378:19)
    at r.handle (jquery-2.1.0.min.js:3:2832)

Hi there, anybody able to take a look at this?

Hey @grafik,

Thanks for flagging this bug and including a screen recording!

Does this bug happen with all images, or only certain ones?

Does it happen on different browsers? (And, if not, what browser are you using?)

Would you be interested in switching to the Page Builder? The problem likely won't occur in the new interface.


Hi Sam, thanks

  1. Happens with all images
  2. Happens in latest Google Chrome on Mac (see original post), haven't tried other browsers
  3. For context my client is not a fan of the new builder (they prefer the old one), hence we have switched this repo to the legacy editor
  4. The bug report I filed has a link to the repo in question
  5. The bug does not occur on other repos I own that use the legacy page editor

Hi Sam & Prismic team,

It's been a week, I'm wondering if anyone can look at this bug with your system, sorry to chase but I have a paying client here asking me for updates / when will this be fixed — do you have any update on this?

Hey @grafik,

Thanks for following up. I've looked into this. We have no plans at the moment to investigate this bug. So far, we've only had one report of it, and it's for a feature that we plan to deprecate soon.

I've filed a bug report, and I'll keep an eye out in case more users describe the same behavior.


Hi @samlittlefair,

So my paying client just has to live with a buggy interface?

This is really poor form, and not a professional way to treat paying customers, if you cannot manage versions of your editor, what are we as website creators supposed to do? Go back to self hosted backends, because this is how you force us to do that.

@grafik are you still experiencing this bug? For a little while I was seeing a jQuery related bug as well. I believe that's what I saw in your console in your screen grab. Is that correct?

Ok...so I just went and tested this on a repo that has the legacy set as the default editor. I noticed that I get the exact same bug. So... +1 @samlittlefair on the fact that grafik is not the only who sees this.

The issue is that (at least in the legacy editor) if you upload an image into the media library and then try to select the image you just uploaded so it will be added to the document, you get the error seen in his video. If you exit the image selection and then reenter the image selection to select the image you uploaded a moment ago, it works just fine. Of course that's plain old silly to have to upload close the image selector and reopen it. I'm going to test this on the new page builder.

Grafik... if it works fine in the new page builder, would you be willing to switch to that?

Update on the new page builder,

I just tested uploading an image and immediately selecting it for use while using the new page builder. There was no issue at all. The bug seems to be with the legacy editor. At least you know:

  • You're not alone
  • You can probably assume fixing a legacy tool is low priority

Time to try the new page builder perhaps?

Hi @nf_mastroianni ,

Thanks for jumping in on this one, I'd rather not switch to the new page editor as the client was trained on the old one, and is not a fan of the new one. They've raised some points which I can't disagree with (have sent these to the prismic team in a previous message)

I'm just shocked at the response I'm getting, if Wordpress or a large CMS had a bug like this on an old version you can bet they would still support it. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

It might be worth finding out about the intended deprecation of the legacy editor then. I know the intention is to keep the legacy editor until the page builder does at least all the things the legacy editor could. If they're not there already, it has to be soon. Perhaps your client needs to know the change may be forced upon them at some point.

Yeah good point, it's a real shame as we move to these headless CMS's to not have to deal with interface bugs etc, especially one such as this, where all information has been provided.

I'm extremely sceptical if anyone at pricmic actually tested it, if you can recreate it instantly based on my info.

For my next project I'm moving closer to trying out Sanity or Cosmic. My studio releases 5-6 projects a year so we need something robust, supported and intuitive.

Hey guys,

Thanks so much for all of this input, Neil!

@grafik to answer some of your concerns:

So my paying client just has to live with a buggy interface?

Nope! This is why we're rolling out the new editor. It promises to be smoother, more reliable, and more feature-rich. (You'll also see more improvements, more often with the Page Builder.)

if you cannot manage versions of your editor, what are we as website creators supposed to do?

The benefit of a hosted CMS is that you don't need to manage versions of the editor. You're always automatically on the latest, most reliable version. We're in an exceptional moment where we have two editors while we develop the new Page Builder, but, like Neil says, once the new Page Builder is feature complete, it will be the only one, which will be a big step forward for everyone.

They've raised some points which I can't disagree with (have sent these to the prismic team in a previous message)

Have you had a chance to chat with our user research team? Is that something you'd be interested in?


Thanks @samlittlefair, what's the road map for the new editor? As of right now my client is entering content using a buggy interface. Are we talking about a new iteration of the page builder?

Hey @grafik,

what's the road map for the new editor?

The team is actively working on the Page Builder, fixing bugs quickly and adding new features regularly.

Are we talking about a new iteration of the page builder?

When I say "new editor," I'm referring to the Page Builder.


Hi @samlittlefair so are you replacing this one with something a bit more useable/familiar to people whom are on the old editor? eg http://grfk.co.nz/i/NKE7QG

Some feedback from clients to me:

— The new interface design doesn't look like the rest of the interface
— Where has the history panel gone?
— The editor is very narrow on a large screen
— Where have the tabs gone (they can't see them as the look like tags)
— Adding a link requires three clicks and is confusing ie choosing a category it reads "link to prismic page" (which itself looks like a button)
— Every item is saved as 'Untitled… ', this is annoying for an organised content editor
— It's very slow to load compared to the existing one

Hey @grafik,

are you replacing this one with something a bit more useable/familiar to people whom are on the old editor?

We are releasing one new editor, the Page Builder.

  • The new interface design doesn't look like the rest of the interface

We are in the process of updating all of our interfaces.

  • Where has the history panel gone?

Since the new Page Builder is in beta, it doesn't have all features yet. A fully-integrated history view is forthcoming. In the meantime, the team has added a link to the legacy history view (see in this video):

  • The editor is very narrow on a large screen
  • Where have the tabs gone (they can't see them as the look like tags)
  • Adding a link requires three clicks and is confusing ie choosing a category it reads "link to prismic page" (which itself looks like a button)
  • Every item is saved as 'Untitled… ', this is annoying for an organised content editor
  • It's very slow to load compared to the existing one

Thanks for the feedback! I'll share all of this with the team.


I'm hoping the new page builder it is not forced on users. With the previous change clients all saw a popup, which they didn't read / immediately clicked and the interface changed. This means that my team then had to field a bunch of queries around why the interface has changed, then had to spend time either reverting the editor via support, or training users on what had changed.

Some more feedback from clients

— What does the label 'page data' mean, it's everywhere / makes no sense for a content editor
— The preview button is never in a consistent place

The preview button is never in a consistent place

Can you describe more what you mean by this?