Can you query by a custom integration field id?

I'm using an integration field to link people (managed in an other system) to projects (managed in Prismic)
Is the a way to get all the projects that have a relationship with one or more people, similar to how you would do it if it was a content relation?
If not, are there any plans?


Hi Sam,

Unfortunately this isn’t possible at the moment.

I’m not sure if it’s in the @features-team’s plans but I’ve tagged them here and I’ll log this as a feature request.

Once I have more information on the future of this I’ll let you know.


This is being tracked as an open feature request.

If you have another use-case for this feature, you can 'Flag' this topic to reopen. Please use the :heart: button to show your support for the feature and check out our Feature Request Guidelines.

We also would have a similar need. We are displaying associated products on blog pages (like recipes) and would like to show the cms pages (recipes) that contain the viewed product on the product detail page. So a way to query this kind of data would be very useful. Also for continuing our omni channel experience. Do you think that you would add this kind of feature. If not, what kind of solution we could adopt? Thanks!

Hi Dan,

I would also like to see such functionality, although this is not something that the development team is working on right now.

Once integration fields comes out of BETA the team will be able to consider extra functionality like this. Again I don't have any ETA for when that would be.

The only way to do this now is to manually select those articles as links in the pages you wish to use them.


This is being tracked as an open feature request.

If you have another use-case for this feature, you can 'Flag' this topic to reopen. Please use the :heart: button to show your support for the feature and check out our Feature Request Guidelines.

I'm using the PHP kit and NextJS (on another project). I created a custom integration field: everything works right, I can select data from a document within Prismic.
But to query the API, I don't find any mention of the integration field in the developer doc, to quesry the API by an integration field value, as we can do it by a content relationship for example. Can you help me with the doc link or give me the query to use?
Thanks, best regards,

Hello Yoann,

Unfortunately, this isn’t possible at the moment.

We have been tracking this as a feature request for future development. This is not something that the development team is working on right now.


Hi @Phil,

Is this feature is available to use or we still don't have any possibilities to retrive the document by IntegrationFields id ?

Hi Rohan,

There's been no change here. We'll update everyone here if that changes.