Can't use Slice Machine in a Sandbox

I've started following the awesome Youtube video by Trost but have some initial issues. Please help?

#1. npm not able to log in

I'm running `npm in a sandbox. It's a Linux VM, and at the end of the installation

$ npx @slicemachine/init@latest --repository lastuja-proto --starter sveltekit-starter-prismic-minimal

..the script attempts to "Logging in to Prismic.." My sandbox has no browser, so it gets stuck here:



  • Is there a way to manually bypass this? I.e. if I get the URL the script is trying to use, I can open a browser on the host OS and maybe.. pass the credential somewhere or...

Because of this step not finding the ends, I don't get further in the Prismic console. It shows:


Pressing 'Continue' takes me nowhere. Please also notice the "3/2 completed" progress indication.. =)

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Perhaps related (Mar'23), from here:

we're considering refactoring our CLI login process to support containerized environment

.. and also "prismic-cli fails to login inside a docker container" (Nov'21)

What is the status of these, in 2024? Developing in a sandbox is not unordinary, is it?

Note: I map some files from my host, that is the whole project folder is a share to the Linux sandbox. Does this help you, in any way? I would just basically need the details on how the authentication happens, so I can look for a work-around on my own.

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Hey team, there's been no progress on this.

While sandbox development is typical, we can't provide updates or workarounds for these matters at the moment as the Slice Machine needs to interact with the browser, as you've seen.

A post was split to a new topic: Login with Slice Machine failing on demo project