Impossible to login from the Slice Machine or the Terminal


When trying to log in to Prismic from the Slice Machine (Log in to Prismic button) or from the Terminal (prismic login), I get an error message on the login page saying "It looks like you are trying to log in to Prismic through your terminal, but something has gone wrong.".

I have updated the Slice Machine packages to their latest versions (I used yarn add --dev slice-machine-ui@latest and @slicemachine/adapter-next@latest) but it doesn't look like it's an issue with the packages on my project (since it's not working with the CLI either).

Is their anything I can do to fix this?

I've managed to log in using Firefox. Still impossible to log in with Chrome.


This happened to me, to fix it I used the prismic-cli package but it is very outdated

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