Dynamic page with 1000s of entries

Hi there,

I've just started testing out Prismic to build my new website in. My website has two main sections - firstly a set of static/semi static marketing pages (homepage, case studies etc). Secondly, it has a dynamic section, which allows displaying data for given content creators by visiting /creator/{username}.

We have about 50k creators we want to display data for. Is it possible to use the Page/Slice editor, but work with dynamic content?

Hey @kicks66,

You'll have no problem creating 50k documents in Prismic, and our API can easily handle that kind of volume.

Is it possible to use the Page/Slice editor, but work with dynamic content?

I'm not completely sure what you mean here. Do you mean content from other documents? You can use the content relationship field to create links between documents and pull in content from other documents.
