I'm having issues with Gatsby Cloud incremental builds with Prismic content changes. New documents and deleted documents are not being included as part of the build even though new and deleted Prismic documents are identified. I'm using the latest versions of Gatsby and the gatsby-source-prismic plugin and have stripped back lot of configuration and plugins but still having no joy. Below are some link to my builds on Gatsby Cloud for new and deleted documents:
Hello @jay.palmer, thanks for reaching out. We can't access your Gatsby Cloud dashboard as it is private. I can recommend you check if you have correctly installed the necessary dependencies for Gatsby Cloud and the webhooks to trigger the builds:
it works fine with cloud builds disabled, only when cloud builds are enabled it fails to create new document and delete old ones. The build is still triggered by the webhook
08:31:00 AM:
info Running Inc Build CLI v2.0.4
08:31:01 AM:
success createSchemaCustomization - 0.469s
08:31:01 AM:
info gatsby-source-prismic(sportsshoesprod) - Received API update webhook. Processing changes.
08:31:01 AM:
info gatsby-source-prismic(sportsshoesprod) - Deleting the following Prismic documents: []
08:31:01 AM:
info gatsby-source-prismic(sportsshoesprod) - Adding or updating the following Prismic documents: ["YlPZnhIAAB8AngFO"]
08:31:01 AM:
success Refreshing source data - 0.678s
08:31:02 AM:
info Writing GraphQL type definitions to /usr/src/app/www/.cache/schema.gql
08:31:02 AM:
success rebuild schema - 0.331s
08:31:02 AM:
verbose 829.687667762 PROCESSING_DATA triggered
08:31:02 AM:
verbose 829.687867719 running queries: static - 0, page - 0
08:31:02 AM:
info Running createPages
08:31:02 AM:
success Reprocessing static & page queries - 0.002s
08:31:02 AM:
verbose 829.6906597 Emitting CREATE_PAGE_END
08:31:02 AM:
info {"newPages":[],"deletedPages":[]}
08:31:02 AM:
success createPages - 0.001s
08:31:02 AM:
info There are no new or changed html files to build.
08:31:02 AM:
=====> not prod
08:31:02 AM:
success onPostBuild - 0.006s
08:31:02 AM:
08:31:02 AM:
{ path: '/usr/src/app/www/public/_functions.json', type: 'update' },
08:31:02 AM:
08:31:02 AM:
path: '/usr/src/app/www/public/_gatsby-config.json',
08:31:02 AM:
type: 'update'
08:31:02 AM:
events: [
08:31:02 AM:
{ path: '/usr/src/app/www/public/_headers.json', type: 'update' },
08:31:02 AM:
{ path: '/usr/src/app/www/public/_redirects.json', type: 'update' }
08:31:02 AM:
08:31:02 AM:
08:31:02 AM:
08:31:02 AM:
info Copied files to inc build directory /usr/src/app/www/.inc-builds/1649748662344
08:31:02 AM:
info Cleaning previous builds
08:31:02 AM:
info Done cleaning previous builds
08:31:02 AM:
verbose 830.093986317 Sending "DONE"
08:31:02 AM:
success write out requires - 0.002s
08:31:02 AM:
Uploading build results
08:31:03 AM:
Done uploading build results
Hey @jay.palmer, I saw you shared some documents with us on a dm. We don't have access to your Gatsby Cloud platform, so it'll be good if you could send us screenshots or a screen recording intead.
Hello @Pau, thanks for getting back to me, the issue with the incremental builds were some custom types that had been disabled so were no longer being declared in the schema by the API.