Import only allowing a single document upload

As I'm trying to bulk import data into Prismic, I'm only able to select a single file (the input form is set to single file) during each import/release. This is contrary to the documentation page which highlights the ability to upload the documents in bulk.

Given the volume of the data I wish to upload, it's not feasible to process all of these imports manually. Is there a reason, why I'm not able to select multiple files and proceed with the upload? We have chosen Prismic specifically because of the above feature and this problem makes us question the feasibility of this solution of the highlighted issue persists.

Best Regards!

Hi @michal.dziedzic

Thanks for reaching out.

You can import all documents at once; you simply add the json files in a zip file and upload them as mentioned in this document

thanks for answering and apologies for not providing sufficient clarity in the beginning. I have already exhausted all possible options I could have think of regarding ways of importing my data.

The things I have tried:

  1. Zip a directory that contains JSON files and try to upload it. The resulting file structure is:
-- data1.json
-- data2.json
-- data100.json

The above errors out with We couldn't find any document in the archive. I found a troubleshooting FAQ, where the suggested resolution is to also zip the json files.

  1. Put all of them into directory, then compress that directory and proceed with an import. The resulting structure looks like this:

This also doesn't work.

The only thing that works reliably is me uploading a single file. This however doesn't scale well with the amount of data we're looking to import.

Would it be possible to update the documentation, so that it's clear what type of files are expected and how one needs to structure the import file for the job to succeed?

On another note, what I also noticed is that if I upload a zip file I just downloaded from export, the import works correctly. However, if i unzip the exported file and then zip back again, the upload fails. All of the above tests were conducted on a standard MacBook Pro with an Intel chip.

Option 1 seems the closest to correct. Can you please share with me a sample zip file and the repository name you are trying to import to troubleshoot (you can send that in a private message if necessary )

Thanks for the reply. I just sent the zip file.

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I apologize for the delay, I'm still investigating and I will let you know soon.

Hi @michal.dziedzic

I have investigated the issue and it turns-out that you need to zip the json files directly without having an intermediary folder.

I have sent you the edited zip file that works.