Integration field not visible in document create

Hello All,

Greetings for the day.

I am trying to connect external catalog categories into prismic using Integration so as per documentation i followed all the steps and it seems integration field created successfully. Which i can see in the usage state of integration field.

I have assigned integration field in document using both slice and stand alone field, but when i try to create custom document the integration field is not visible in create document form.

I have attached screenshot of created integration field. And attached is my API response which i have configured in Integration field.

 "results_size": 44,
 "results": [
     "id": "28",
     "title": "Bottoms",
     "description": "<style>#html-body [data-pb-style=G5891WV]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}</style><div data-content-type=\"row\" data-appearance=\"contained\" data-element=\"main\"><div data-enable-parallax=\"0\" data-parallax-speed=\"0.5\" data-background-images=\"{}\" data-background-type=\"image\" data-video-loop=\"true\" data-video-play-only-visible=\"true\" data-video-lazy-load=\"true\" data-video-fallback-src=\"\" data-element=\"inner\" data-pb-style=\"G5891WV\"><div data-content-type=\"text\" data-appearance=\"default\" data-element=\"main\"><p id=\"FUDHK6R\">Description</p></div></div></div>",
     "image_url": "",
     "last_update": 1702556878,
     "blob": {
       "entity_id": "28",
       "attribute_set_id": "3",
       "parent_id": "26",
       "created_at": "2023-06-27 06:53:47",
       "updated_at": "2023-12-14 12:27:58",
       "path": "1/2/26/28",
       "position": "2",
       "level": "3",
       "children_count": "2",
       "is_active": "1",
       "name": "Bottoms",
       "image": "/media/.renditions/wysiwyg/image_18.png",
       "virtual_rule": "{\"type\":\"Smile\\\\ElasticsuiteVirtualCategory\\\\Model\\\\Rule\\\\Condition\\\\Combine\",\"attribute\":null,\"operator\":null,\"value\":\"1\",\"is_value_processed\":null,\"aggregator\":\"all\"}",
       "description": "<style>#html-body [data-pb-style=G5891WV]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}</style><div data-content-type=\"row\" data-appearance=\"contained\" data-element=\"main\"><div data-enable-parallax=\"0\" data-parallax-speed=\"0.5\" data-background-images=\"{}\" data-background-type=\"image\" data-video-loop=\"true\" data-video-play-only-visible=\"true\" data-video-lazy-load=\"true\" data-video-fallback-src=\"\" data-element=\"inner\" data-pb-style=\"G5891WV\"><div data-content-type=\"text\" data-appearance=\"default\" data-element=\"main\"><p id=\"FUDHK6R\">Description</p></div></div></div>",
       "is_virtual_category": "0",
       "virtual_category_root": "2"

Can any one suggest what could be the possible issue.


Hi Rohan,

Welcome to the community!

I'll be happy to help. Can you tell me the name of your repo and maybe a screen recording of the error that you are seeing?

HI @Phil

Thanks for quick response.

So repo name is : barubia

And below is the attached video recording in which i have described all the process and in the last screen of video i am not able to see integreted field data.

Screen Recording :

OK, that's very clear thank you. I've reactivated the legacy builder to see if this might be the root of the problem, can you check again?

Hi @Phil

Thanks for sharing an update.

Yes its working in legacy builder, so the issue is with new page builder ? and we can not use that new page builder ?

Hi Rohan,

So, integration fields aren't supported in the new builder yet. They'll be available at the end of Q1.

Hi @Phil

About Integration field i am ok if it is not supported yet with new builder. But i am not able to switch from legacy builder to new builder is it disabled for my repo ?

Can you please enable new builder to my Repo : barubia


I have activated the new builder for you again :slight_smile: I'm glad you're enjoying using it.