Lately, when attempting to save new documents, we get an "Oops! We were unable to create your document." error. Our type schema is very simple (see below). The content is usually prepared in Google Docs first, then pasted into the body. Do you know why this might be the case?
A workaround for now is to create a new document, just set the date field, immediately save it, paste the content in, then save it again. However, we'd like to avoid having to use this workaround, as this is a major bummer when a lot content has already been pasted and edited and the save button hadn't been pressed yet.
"Main" : {
"date" : {
"type" : "Date",
"config" : {
"label" : "Date"
"summary" : {
"type" : "StructuredText",
"config" : {
"multi" : "paragraph,strong,em",
"label" : "Summary"
"body" : {
"type" : "StructuredText",
"config" : {
"multi" : "paragraph,preformatted,heading1,heading2,heading3,heading4,heading5,heading6,strong,em,hyperlink,image,embed,list-item,o-list-item",
"allowTargetBlank" : true,
"label" : "Body"