There appears to be a bug on my website. I have two languages configured - Japanese as the main and English/Australian as the secondary one.
I have all the website pages in Japanese and now am ready to create the translations. However when I click 'copy to another locale' I get the page in Eng/Au but when I try to save the page I get the error "Oops! We were unable to create your document."...
What is really odd is that the translated document also can't be deleted. It doesn't show up in 'archived' so it can't be an archived page either.
I think there is a bug with your system. Can you please advise how i can remove this translation of the page?
When i try to create the translated document (in English) by copying across the content I get the error:
Oops! Looks like the value you entered as a UID is already taken. Mind trying a different one and trying to create again?
But the UID for the translated file should be the same as UID for the original right? I think this is a bug in your system I need help manually deleting this document.