Photos (Media) upload not loading / "Install App"

Hi Prismic,

I am facing issues with uploading photos in the Media Library. Photos are standard size in JPG. Once I select a photo to upload the file sits in the folder (blank) and says 0% even after several hours. I would greatly appreciate prompt assistance with this as my company needs to upload daily news with images.

On a second note. Our website randomly has an "Install App" pop-up. How can I get rid of this so that it doesn't appear for our viewers?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Nadia,

Welcome to the Prismic community.

I will try to investigate the issue with you, to do so it would be great if you can share with us a screen recording or screenshot if it is not possible so that we understand the behavior that you are describing.

At a first glance, it looks like it is a problem related to a problem in your browser at your end

I would say such an issue can be caused by some ADD blockers or privacy extensions or browsers that don't allow your browser to upload images.

And regarding the "Install App," Prismic never asks you to install Apps that must be some sort of unrelated software, you can try to disable all un-used extensions and clear your cookies.

Looking forward to your reply,

Hi Fares,

Thanks for your email. I solved the issue after all. Apparently the image resolution or size was too high or big for the website. I just reduced the size. I will clear cookies.

Thanks for your help.

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Awesome, thanks for letting us know.

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