Preview returns empty HTML

Hi there, we're trialing Prismic, and want to test a simple landing page. We created a static HTML page with the JS snippet on a proper domain / url path matching the preview settings. It loads the page, and I can see the little popup loading. There are no console errors, and in the network inspector I can see the requests are all successful and return 200, the cookie is set. However, the iframe that is returned is empty...

CleanShot 2021-03-10 at 08.26.18

We tried to follow the troubleshooting guide, the REST API works fine. Everything seems to work, but the page itself is totally empty. We also tried publishing the page, and in draft mode. But in either cases nothing is showing...

What else should we do / try?

Hello Yoav,

In order to do a test on my side, could you tell me:

  • Which browser are you using, and if its Chrome, the current version installed on your machine?
  • The URL of your repository.

You can send this information to me in a private message if your prefer.



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