Request: Nested or grouped repeatable content within slices

+1 for us as well, we're jumping ship from and this would make it a lot simpler

Is there any news on this? Any ETA? I understand that Prismic has great potential but how can i convince a client that Prismic is better than Wordpress if then the client can't do the basic stuff he can do in the old wordpress fashioned way, like creating an easy nested menu with 2 or 3 levels without having to mess around with warkarounds, content type, slice, ecc ec ecc? :neutral_face:


I'd also love an update on this. Restructuring the way we had laid our website out in Forestry to fit the fact that Prismic lacks nested grouping has been a frustrating process.

I'm sure I won't be the only one of Forestry's ex-customers shopping around for a new CMS considering they are closing their doors towards the end of April. Having nested grouping like this would make the transition a lot easier for those looking to switch from Forestry, or really any other major CMS out there, and I imagine adding this feature in the near-term would be a great opportunity to attract former Forestry users.

Could we at least get an comment on what the Prismic team's thoughts about this are? Is the feature even being considered?

Thank you for your interest in the product and for taking the time to provide feedback.

While the feature is not currently in development, we appreciate all suggestions and will consider them for future updates. In the meantime, we understand the importance of having certain capabilities, so we recommend exploring any available workarounds or alternatives that may be useful for your needs. We will keep your request in mind as we continue to enhance the builder and strive to provide the best possible user experience.

So basically a very requested/needed feature, nor to say a standard in 2023 in almost all cms, is not a priority for Prismic. Like having a house without a door but hey, we have fancy windows. Really i don't understand modern companies who spend time enhancing only their appearance. Deeply, it's sad to say, Wordpress is far far ahead :man_shrugging:.


Just stumbled upon this and wanted to give my +1 for this feature request. Having repeatable elements inside a slice is very much needed for many use cases! Please consider implementing this :slight_smile: It's very limiting!


+1 to this feature.


+1 to this feature. Would simplify things a lot for our client, the CustomTypes-to-ContentRelationship is not very straightforward for the end user of the CMS :crying_cat_face:


I too have found myself looking for the ability to use groups in repeatable zones in slices.



Just started up a PoC and was looking around for how to achieve nesting. I appreciate how clean and simple some aspects of Prismic is, but this could be a showstopper. Either UX or DX falls short without it as I see it.



This feature has been requested over and over for years, with occasional vague mentions about it being "looked into" (but never a timeline or even commitment to build it).

In addition, the workaround of using custom types as a solution is really poor. Whilst it works in theory, the reality is that it's a completely unusable interface for content editors. (It could be fixed with a better interface, but I don't suppose there's a roadmap for that, either?)


@Pau Is this feature in the roadmap of the new Page builder?



I've built ~20 of websites in Prismic (and many more in rival CMS) over the last few years and this is the key feature that stands out to me when compared to other CMS that Prismic are so far behind the competition.

This has been a feature that's requested (like lots of others) over and over with absolutely no movement from the Prismic team, which is really disappoint and quite frankly pushes me to use similar competitors who offer this very basic feature.

It's quite fustrating also that the Prismic team constantly ask for use cases when all you have to do is look at alternative CMS to see this is a very basic feature offered in the majority of Prismic's competitors. The end users should not have to keep justifying features such as this, it feels very lazy and unhelpful.

The Prismic team need to provide clearer roadmaps for features as telling the community "this is not currently in development" and giving us "hacky" workaround is not what I'd expect from a small startup let alone a well established business in the industry.


Hi, I have a question about repeatable group of fields into repeatable zone in Slice.

I want to create Slider, where I have one main image (Room Image), and various number of nested images(Product Image).

For example:
Slide #1

  • Room Image
  • 1 Product Image
  • 2 Product Image
  • 3 Product Image
  • 4 Product Image
    Slide #2
  • Room Image
  • 1 Product Image
  • 2 Product Image

Is there any option to do this? I was looking for examples of it and I couldn't find. :frowning:

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Hi @angelika.wronska ,

Welcome to the Prismic community, and thanks for this question :slight_smile:

There is no way to do nested groups in Prismic, though it is something that our product team discusses from time to time.

There are some workarounds that you could use to make this work. To me, the easiest would be to create a repeatable zone with two properties: the slide and the image. So, the model would look like this:

β”œβ”€β”€ Non-repeatable Zone
β”‚   └── Title
└── Repeatable zone
    β”œβ”€β”€ Slide Number
    β”œβ”€β”€ Parent/Child (Select)
    └── Image

Then, your content might look like this:

β”œβ”€β”€ Non-repeatable Zone
β”‚   └── Title: Interiors
└── Repeatable zone
    β”œβ”€β”€ Item
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ Slide Number: 1
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ Parent/Child: Parent
    β”‚   └── Image: house-main.jpg
    β”œβ”€β”€ Item
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ Slide Number: 1
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ Parent/Child: Child
    β”‚   └── Image: house-living-room.jpg
    β”œβ”€β”€ Item
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ Slide Number: 1
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ Parent/Child: Child
    β”‚   └── Image: house-bedroom.jpg
    β”œβ”€β”€ Item
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ Slide Number: 2
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ Parent/Child: Parent
    β”‚   └── Image: office-main.jpg
    └── Item
        β”œβ”€β”€ Slide Number: 2
        β”œβ”€β”€ Parent/Child: Child
        └── Image: office-kitch.jpg

In your project, you would parse the data and organize it into a nested hierarchy:

β”œβ”€β”€ Slide 1
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ Parent: house-living-room.jpg
β”‚   └── Children
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ Child: house-bedroom.jpg
β”‚       └── Child: house-living-room.jpg
└── Slide 2
    β”œβ”€β”€ Parent: office-main.jpg
    └── Children
        └── Child: office-kitchen.jpg

Alternatively, some users choose to do this with Content Relationships. That way, you could define each slider as a document, and each slide as a slice, with a main image in the non-repeatable zone, and sub-images in the repeatable zone.

Let me know what you think!


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Thanks Sam for reply! This idea is a little bit messy for me and not comfortable. I will try with Content Relationships. Is there any guide for that Content Relationships?

Hey @angelika.wronska ,

We don't have a guide. But, it would look something like this:

Create a Custom Type called "Slider" with an Image field "Main image". Then, create a group field, and inside the group field add an Image field called "Product Image".

Then, you'll link to the Slider document from another Custom Type, which I'll call "Page". On the "Page" Custom Type, create a Content Relationship field called "Slider".

In your code, you can use fetchLinks when you query the Page Custom Type to fetch the Slider data along with the Page content data.

If you'd like a more detailed example, let me know what technology you're using, and I might be able to create an example of the query and templating.


Hi! :wave: I'm extremely new to Prismic and NextJS. In fact, I only decided to get into it after discovering Christian LaufenbΓΆck's beautiful work for Lot61 earlier this week.

So far, I'm really impressed with SliceMachine, but there's one thing I'm missing right out of the gate: the ability to repeat grouped fields. For instance, if I want to build a Statistics slice like this, and make it flexible so it can have anywhere between 2-4 statistics...

...I would ideally have a repeatable group of 2 Key Text fields (Value and Label) for each stat.

I see a similar question was also asked in 2021, so I'm actually surprised this option hasn't been requested more? :slight_smile:


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Hi @oscaralexander

Welcome to the Prismic community and that great feedback.

As mentioned in the linked threads, it is not possible to embed group fields inside another group field, but there are many alternatives to doing 2 levels deep structure using Slices + groups.

So for me, the easiest way to achieve what you want to that is to do is to:

  • create a custom type single or repeatable "slider"
  • inside this custom type, you can create a Slice field "slider item"
  • this slice has a group field that contains the sub items and an image field for the background.

And then, you can link to slider documents using the content relation field, where you can refer to from the pages where you want to display a slider on your website and fetch the data on your front using FetchLinks or GraphQuery.

Following this request..

I'm also looking for this feature again and again, but the content relationship/custom type route seems to be the only way. Unfortunately it is quite cumbersome for someone to manage as they would have to go out of the page editor and go to edit that custom type separately before heading back to the page before continuing editing. It would be amazing to be able to have nesting functionality. Would also be nice to know why these features are so complex to implement?
