Rich Text (image) overlapping text bug

I am using Slice Text (with Rich Text functionality). When I insert an image within the Rich Text editor, some text elements appear to be layered behind the image. However, upon saving the content, the Rich Text formatting reverts to normal. This inconsistency in display while editing creates a frustrating user experience.

Here is video demo.

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Hi @drl.oucommunity ,

Thank you for reporting this. Can you record your issue again with this Chrome plugin? It will give us the dev information needed to debug, and you can remove it once you’re done.


Hi @Phil, here is my record Jam

This error started happening 1-2 weeks ago. I've never encountered this error before.
At first, I suspected that my extensions were causing the issue, so I temporarily disabled them, but it still didn't work. Then, I tried using incognito mode, but it still didn't work. I even tried using a different account and encountered the same error.

I'm also experiencing this issue when adding images to rich text fields.

Hi @drl.oucommunity and @thejuniperstudio,

Thank you for reporting this! We've been able to recreate it and have created a bug report to track this issue. You can follow it here:

The dev team is going to try to look at this over the Christmas/New Year period. We'll let you know when it's been fixed :slight_smile:

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Hi @drl.oucommunity and @thejuniperstudio,

Good news: this bug has been fixed :slight_smile:

Thanks again for reporting it!

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