I was wondering if there is a way to see the slicemachine changes before pushing them to prismic?
I've noticed that some of the changes that have already been pushed are showing the push to prismic button and we can't review the repo git changes as there aren't any.
It would be ideal if we can review the changes before pushing them.
We're happy to announce that we're about to release this feature!
The changes page will allow you to do just that. It'll list all the changes between your code and your repository and to push those changes in one click from SliceMachine.
Is there an update here? I've read on the progress page you linked above but can't find what I'm looking for.
We're facing some issues on our side related to this and your product is making things a bit difficult.
Scenario: we have repository (https://arkiv.prismic.io/) and want to add a new tab to a document. Right now, when I start Slice Machine and add a tab, when I navigate to the changes tab, there are several changes that are not recorded in Prismic for whatever reason.
As I cannot see what the changes are, I don't know what will change when I push changes.
And as I cannot push partial changes, I push all changes at once.
I also don't know of a way to revert changes to documents in Prismic to go back to the state before pushing, if there is a way please let me know.
These things are incredibly frustrating!
For now this is manageable but I'm concerned that your product design choices are preventing us from safely developing our sites.
It's possible for a Prismic repository's models to be out of sync with your local models. This can happen, for example, if someone pushes their own set of changes without committing to Git.
If you are sure your local models are up to date, you can push them to Prismic.
Slice Machine currently does not have a strict connection between your Git repository and Prismic repository. We are currently exploring and working on connecting your code and Prismic repository, which should alleviate this issue.
Slice Machine also currently does not have a way to view the changes it detects. In general, we recommend relying on Git for this feature, but it requires all developers to be vigilant in committing regularly.
Prismic does not have a way to "rollback" to a previous state, but you can undo a model change by re-pushing your old model. Documents retain all of their old content until they are edited. Thus, if you re-push your old model, you should see your existing content again, provided documents were not already edited.
Hi @mmartinhez08 which version of Slice Machine do you use?
The recent version show the main changes to be pushed to your repository in the /changes page. It give you the detail of your Custom Types, Page Types and Slices that are about to be create/updated/deleted upon the next push.
But yet it doesn't give you the exact detail field by field.
This is not something that we are looking at now but in 2025 we plan to come back to these workflows improvement, with a specific focus on collaboration. We'll keep you posted.