Static content from Amazon

Hi Why is not normal webstandard compression (like GZIP) and protocols (like http2) enabled for static content on

Can you please change this and follow the normal Aws setup?

Hey Joakim, welcome to the forum!

I'm not sure I completely understand your request. Could you give me more details about this?

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Hello! Thanks :slight_smile:
As you can see in the picture here, all static content from your amazon aws is missing gzip compression and also is served using http1 protocol:

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Hi Joakim,

You're right this is how it should be set up. The SVG's don't have the correct settings as we aren't currently delivering them from our CDN. We are working on doing this and once we do this issue will resolve itself.


This is being tracked as an open issue and will be resolved with a fix that is in review at the moment. We will update you here once this is done.