Unable to generate live preview on social media

When sharing a webpage link on social media i.e. Facebook and Twitter, they seem unable to generate a live preview of the webpage even though the og:image property is already in the code.

What should I do?

Hello @raymond,

Welcome to the Prismic community, and thanks for reaching out to us.

There's a similar issue on the forum; you can check it out:

And if that doesn't help your use case, can you share any errors you are getting with us so we can assist you?


Hi Racheal, the forum example appears to only work for LinkedIn (I am not facing issues with LinkedIn however, only Facebook).

Hello @raymond,

Sorry for the late reply.

Can you share the link to the webpage link in question? And also, what framework are you using so I can reproduce it on my end?


The links affected are:

What do you mean by framework?

Hi @raymond,

Is this issue on the embed field? If so, I can try to reproduce it on my end, and it would be beneficial if you could share the steps to reproduce the issue.


Is it possible if you could reach out to me at raymond@hugosave.com? I can put you in touch with my colleagues at tech.

@raymond I wrote detailed article about this covering Linkedin, but it could also fix other social media as well - Why is my Linkedin OG image not working | SEO component

@raymond, would you prefer to reach out via DMs?