Use Prismic with Gatsby v5 today

Hi everyone, I’m Angelo, the maintainer of Prismic’s Gatsby integration.

Some of you have been asking for a status update on our Gatsby integration for use with Gatsby 5, so I thought I would share some insights into our ongoing work.

Prismic + Gatsby status updates

First, you can use Prismic with Gatsby 5 today with the current plugins. Everything should work as expected thanks to a quick update we recently published. Just install the plugins, configure them, and get straight into building your sites. Check out the instructions in the next section below.

Next, there has been a flurry of behind-the-scenes work to rewrite our Gatsby plugins that has yet to be released. That rewrite includes support for Gatsby 5, as well as a handful of other performance optimizations. There is more work needed before we can release them.

How to use Gatsby 5 with Prismic today

We recently published an update to both of our Gatsby plugins that include support for Gatsby 5.

  • gatsby-source-prismic: v5.3.0
  • gatsby-plugin-prismic-previews: v5.3.0

Use the following command to install the latest versions:

npm install gatsby-source-prismic@latest gatsby-plugin-prismic-previews@latest

If you are updating an existing project from Gatsby 4 to Gatsby 5, remember to also go through the official Gatsby v4 to v5 migration guide here: Migrating from v4 to v5 | Gatsby

Please note that these new plugin versions do not include the performance optimizations included in the upcoming new major version. These updates are the same plugins available before today, just with updated peerDependencies and confirmed support for Gatsby 5.

The next major version

A complete rewrite of the Gatsby plugins is in progress and close to completion.

To be transparent with everyone, there has been a pause in development since late last year as the development team (including myself) was needed on a big internal push, unrelated to Gatsby. We are a small team with limited time, which means sometimes we need to focus all of our effort on the projects with the most urgency and impact on our users. However, that doesn’t mean we don’t value and appreciate those of you building with Gatsby + Prismic. :slightly_smiling_face:

With all that being said, our team is planning to resume Gatsby plugin development in the upcoming months to get it into your hands as soon as possible.

If you'd like to be notified when we share updates on Gatsby, subscribe to this thread by selecting ":bell: Tracking" below.

Thank you for your time and support! If you have any questions, please drop them here.


Gatsby + Prismic v6 is now available!

To learn more about the release, its updates, and the future of Gatsby at Prismic, check out the announcement blog post below:

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