Page builder | Page jumping around when editing

While editing content in the page builder the page will randomly jump around to different slices.

Impacted feature

Page Builder

What steps have you taken to resolve this issue already?

Restart browser (Chrome)
Private browser (No extensions)
Tried another browser (FF - same issue)


None in console

Hi Nick,

Welcome to the community:slight_smile:

Can you send us a recording of the issue?


Hi Phil,

Thanks for getting back to me, here is a short recording of the issue.


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Perfect, thanks for getting this to me. I think it might be related to this issue:

I'm going to forward this to the team :slight_smile:

I'll get back to you once I know more.


Hi again,

The team pushed an update today, and this should be resolved. Can you confirm if you are still seeing this or not?


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Hi Phil,

This looks fixed to me, many thanks!


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