Hi, guys! I try to import data to Prismic, but since the middle of today import export tool tells me to try again when I want to import archive. Could you please help me with it? Previously it worked. Attempts rate is not exceeded. Archive with data is ok.
I get error 400 from server
Guys, for some reasons I see archive with posts in my media library. I think something went wrong on Prismic side.
Importing is down for few hours now, 400 error.
Hi Team,
We're investigating now. Can you let me know which repos are seeing this issue?
Hi, @Phil Here is my repo https://apotheca.prismic.io/
Hi @Phil it is the same for few of our repos.
also I saw that even changing avatar of the repo throws the same error.
What exactly does the error say?
as you can see nothing useful, and seems it just pushes zip file to media library.
something is really messed here :(
The same for me, just 400 Bad Request. And my zip-archive with data appears in media library.
I tried something on your repo @dmitry.d , can you check on your side?
I still get 400 error, @Phil
OK, thanks. Still investigating
@Phil still getting this
We've potentially found the issue. Looking to push a fix tomorrow.
Hi @Phil just to confirm that now everything works as it should with import/export and media library.
Thank you for the support!
My pleasure
Thank you, @Phil Now it is working!
Hi @Phil again this issue occurred, import again blows with 400 error, but this time response is:
"error": "toomanyrequests",
"message": "No more than 10 requests within 3600 seconds"
and seems again uploaded zip is added into media library.
Hi, Radoslav. I think this is feature, not bug. There is limit for 10 uploads per hour if my mind does not play tricks with me.